There’s a simple elegance to cooking and plating a fish whole or nearly whole as the case is here. I removed the head and tail for two reasons: It was the only way it would fit in my steaming pot and my wife didn’t want the fish looking at her while we ate it.

Of course, drizzling fish with meted butter is a no-brainer, though I also enjoy this particular preparation dressed with soy sauce.

Time: 25 minutes

Serves: 2


1 whole artic char – cleaned, scaled, head/tail removed
1 teaspoon kosher salt
1 teaspoon fresh ground black pepper
2 springs fresh tarragon


Place a steamer basket in a large pot, fill with water to just below the basket and place over high heat.

Wash the fish well under cold water, pat dry and make three shallow slits from belly to backbone in each side.

Rub the salt and pepper into the skin. This will work some of it into the slits as well.

Put the tarragon springs in the belly cavity and once the water begins to boil, place the fish on the steamer basket. Reduce heat to medium and steam covered for ten minutes.

Remove the fish from the steam and serve immediately.

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